१६ मे हा जागतिक कृषी पर्यटन दिवस म्हणून साजरा केले जाते. प्रत्येक दिवस साजरा करण्याचा काही तरी उद्धेश असतो. त्या दिन विशेषाचे महत्व लोकांना समजवा. या हेतूने आपण वेगवेगळे दिवस साजरा करतो. Read More…

१६ मे हा जागतिक कृषी पर्यटन दिवस म्हणून साजरा केले जाते. प्रत्येक दिवस साजरा करण्याचा काही तरी उद्धेश असतो. त्या दिन विशेषाचे महत्व लोकांना समजवा. या हेतूने आपण वेगवेगळे दिवस साजरा करतो. Read More…
जगाच्या पाठीवर कुठेही कृषी पर्यटन केंद्र उभे करायचं असेल तर तुमच्याकडे खालील घटक असणे गरजेचे आहे. गाव, शेती, शेतकरी आणि पर्यटक हे अत्यंत महत्वाचे घटक आहेत. या शिवाय कृषी पर्यटन अपूर्ण आहे. या महत्वाच्या घटकाविषयी आपण आज माहिती घेऊयात. Read More…
Maharashtra has been bestowed by the abundance of natures beauty. It rests in the lap of western ghat hills, which are very rich in biodiversity and it has also been gifted with the beautiful coast line of the Konkan region. Read More…
Understanding how farming is done, how farms are cultivated, how the seeds are sown and which crops are taken during which particular period all of this constitutes agro tourism. People living in cities are only partially aware about all the agricultural and allied activities which are undertaken in villages. Read More…
Bhillar is a village in Satara district of Maharashtra and its india’s first book village. This village is planned for books and various literature things. Village is near to panchgani. You can go there by car also bus facility available from satara to bhillar. Maharashtra Government planned this for littracy of books and knowing various authors and their skills.
Pratap gad fort situated in Sahyadri range. This fort is one of most visited forts of india. Because on this fort chatrapati Shivaji maharaj killed one of best Mughal emperor named Afjal khan. You can climb this fort easily also you can take your car on the fort. You can do various activity on fort. Food facility available avalible on…
Vasota fort Is situated in koyna forest mainly known as one of haunted forts of India. Mahadev mandir is mainly famous in vasota fort. Also this fort is known for camping, trekking and some of more interesting activity we can do there. If you are history lover person then it’s the best place to visit. also, we can see their…
Wai is the historic village famous for Ganapati temple. And wai is famous place for various film shooting location. Wai is best prime location for hindi, Marathi movie shooting. Wai is historic place because its olden temples, caves. Wai city is famous because its unique culture, history and now it’s becoming the educational hub of satara district.
Kass plateau is known as world heritage by UNESCO. Kass plateau is basically knows as valley of flowers. From period of august and September not only Indian tourist but also foreign tourist visits Kass plateau for various study of flowers. on Kass plateau more than 800 species of flowers found which are only available on Kass plateau.
Bamnoli is mostly famous spot for tourist as it is one of beautiful natural place. It’s a place situated in banks of shivsagar lake. The main spots near bamnoli is Vasota fort and historic lord shiva temple. Bamnoli is the nearest point from tapola.